
Scores on the Rice Purity Test can range from very low (indicating a diverse range of experiences) to higher scores (suggesting fewer experiences in certain areas). Gender doesn’t inherently dictate the score; it’s more about individual experiences and choices.

Some might speculate or discuss trends or averages based on anecdotal evidence or observations within certain groups, but these aren’t universal or scientifically established. Ultimately, the test is meant for entertainment and comparison among peers, and the scores should be taken with a grain of salt, as they don’t accurately reflect someone’s character or the entirety of their life experiences.

There isn’t a definitive or standardized “average” Rice Purity Test score for girls or any specific gender. The test’s results vary widely among individuals due to personal experiences, cultural backgrounds, and personal beliefs.

Country Avg. Boys Score Avg. Girls Score
United States 56.1 59.9
United Kingdom 51 54.6
Canada 49.9 52.4
Australia 53.2 53.9
Germany 46.9 47.3
Netherlands 62.9 64.9
Ireland 38.9 43.7
New Zealand 41.4 40.1
Singapore 59.0 56.7
Indonesia 53.8 50.9
Sweden 48.1 45.0
Italy 65.3 61.2
France 63.9 59.8
India 35.0 32.1
Brazil 63.9 65.8


Each question is assigned a specific point value based on the perceived level of innocence or experience associated with that activity. After answering all the questions, the points are totaled to generate an overall score.

Scores typically range from 0 to 100 or more. A lower score implies a wider range of experiences, while a higher score suggests a more sheltered or less varied set of experiences.

As for discussing an “average” score for girls, it’s important to understand that individuals’ scores can widely differ, and there’s no fixed norm or standard. Scores are influenced by personal choices, upbringing, culture, and individual values. Attempting to establish an average score for girls (or any gender) could be misleading as it doesn’t accurately represent the diversity of experiences and choices among individuals.

Furthermore, the Rice Purity Test is meant for amusement and comparison among peers, and its scores should not be taken as a judgment of character or life choices. It’s subjective and not scientifically validated, serving more as a lighthearted way to compare experiences than a serious assessment tool.

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